1st Crawley Boys' Brigade and Girl's Association


Posted on 16th August 2024

What is the “Senior Section”?

The Seniors Section is for young people between the ages of 15 and 18 School years 10 – 13. Throughout their time in the Senior Section, young people take part in a varied programme. This gives members the opportunity to take part in projects, earn awards and push their personal boundaries through physical, mental and spiritual development.

It’s all about learning and specialising new skills, empowerment, taking responsibility and having fun. The Boys’ Brigade provides a safe environment to truly push your boundaries, achieve personal goals, build a network of friends and having adventures every step of the way.

Every member of the Seniors Section should expect to:

  • Overcome new challenges
  • Build integrity
  • Be heard and have their say
  • Be respected and valued
  • Enjoy the entire process and have fun
  • Develop a personal Christian faith


The uniform for the Seniors Section is a Royal Blue Polo Shirt accompanied by black trousers and black shoes.

Members of the Seniors Section will start out with an armband worn on the right arm to wear any badges they achieve. A second armband worn on the left arm may also be required dependant on progress and achievements throughout their time with the Seniors Section


We meet during term time on a Monday between 7.15 pm and 9 pm

Recognising Achievement

The Senior section Badge work is about continuing to learn new skills, making their own decisions and having fun doing it all. The Seniors badge work programme is in the same six key areas of

  • Get Active
  • Get Adventurous
  • Get Creative
  • Get Into The Bible
  • Get Involved
  • Get Learning

By completing a number of activities in each of the areas above the Seniors will gain their badges of Membership, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. We also recognise a member’s loyalty to the company by awarding a service badge for their years within the company.

To continue challenging the young people more. The Seniors are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and gain a higher level on their projected badges.

Seniors can continue to gain nights away awards which hopefully leads them into a leadership role on camp in years to come.

Major Awards

The Seniors Section provides young people with the opportunity to further harness their strengths to achieve the following awards, which are a true testament of their development with the Boys’ Brigade.

  • Presidents Badge
  • Queen’s Badge